Cnc Drill Line Used

Cnc Drill Line Art

CNC Drill Line is made for fabricators and other job shops that drill holes in various types of steel profiles. You can determine if this machine meets your needs by answering the following questions.

Auto Stand-Off � This is currently defined to be surface stand-off and not to be confused with vector stand-off in 5-axis mode. The current auto stand-off is based on a changing surface and will adjust vertically based on the angle of the �A� Axis, so there is five (5) axis taken into account during the calculations, but this is not the same as the tool vector stand-off. There is the ability to do the vector stand-off change while the machine is running manually with buttons on the screen.

The CNC Drill Line can either be programmed at the machine by hand or via the Peddimat software. The AVENGER includes this software and it can be installed on as many computers in your office as you wish. This unlimited license comes with your machine purchase. This software is identical to the one found on the machine and can be installed on any Voortman CNC fabricating machines.

Beam drills can be a valuable tool in large and medium-sized structural fabrication shops. Beam drills are able to drill holes in a wide range of steel profiles, at different lengths, using CNC controlled programming. These machines make it possible to eliminate the need for manually drawing or laying out the positions. This lengthy process can take up to a week and requires multiple workers. A beam drill line eliminates manual planning and any associated errors.

Computer Numerical Control (Cnc)

Computer Numerical Control (Cnc)

We have successfully installed over 1000 CNC Drill Lines and Angle Lines all around the world. It has been our experience that an average operator who has never programmed a machine before can get up to 50% efficiency on it in less than half a day.

What good is a CNC drill line if it doesn't position a fabricator to compete at a high level in the steel fabrication arena. The Advantage-2 has the functionality to process technical programs with intelligence and speed. Equipped with three five-station tool changers, each drilling axis has the capability to drill, mill, countersink, tap and scribe. This drill line can also be equipped with a Signoscript underside scriber or Signomat part stamping unit. Part information is retained even after painting, blasting and galvanizing processes. Minimizing shop errors? Check. Carbide tooling gives the Advantage-2 more aggressive drilling and a higher quantity of holes than any drill line before it. The high torque drilling axes have a thicker more aggressive cut removing more chips with each rotation. This drill line will chew through beams, channel, angle, tube and even flat bar. With a processing window of 44 inches wide and 18 inches tall no profile can escape the reach of the Advantage-2.

2 Spindle Drill Head

CNC Drill Lines are space-efficient beam processing solutions. They require a minimum of 70ft by 9ft floor space. This makes it perfect for smaller fabricators and fabricators who have limited space. Many CNC Drill Line installations are located outside, which allows for more fabricator space.

Let's take a look at how Insert Drill bits and Twist Drill Bits work in real-life fabrication situations. This is the most popular drilled hole diameter.

Cnc Drill Line Art
2 Spindle Drill Head

Cnc Drill Line 6hor

Voortman�s roller feed measurement system exceeds industry standard. It is important to maintain accurate measurements without hesitation during production. Even though there may be slight deviations in the material, accuracy should not be compromised.

Voortman offers regular training classes on all Voortman or Ocean equipment at their Bradley Illinois location. These courses can be used to refresh existing operators or for those who are just starting out. This facility will ensure that your employees return to work motivated and well-trained. Call for pricing and details.

Cnc Drill Line Youngboy

The programming of the CNC Drill Line can be done even manually. Peddimat is the machine programming software and most operators can program most parts within less than an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. The best way to program the machine, however, is to import parts from a CAD drawing, preferably created in 3-D modeling software like ProSteel 3D or StruMis. These files can be imported directly into the machine. The operator simply selects the part and presses the Cycle Start button.

We believe that, at this time, based upon the prices from different suppliers, the customer would be better off with high-quality Ocean Penetrator turn drill bits as well as a quality sharpener.

2 Spindle Drill Head

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Drill Line

The Advantage-2 employs a series of support clamps in order to achieve optimum rigidity of the workpiece through the machine. Carbide tool life is best sustained with the least amount of vibration possible.

The CNC Drill Line can not only process columns and beams, but also all steel profiles, including channel, angle and flat bars, base plates, RHS square and round.

Frequently Asked Questions

Concrete beams can be strengthened with steel reinforcement rods. A beam is subject to tension at the bottom and compression at its top. Concrete is strong enough to withstand great compression but very fragile when it experiences tension.

C-channel frames are stronger against rust.

Although c-channel can be a little more expensive than angle iron, it is much more durable in most cases. C-channel is preferred for projects that can be done without major engineering or expense.

The hole size should not exceed 38mm (1.25 in.). The beam depth should not exceed one-tenth of the hole diameter, whichever is less, with the exception being 25mm (1 in.).

C-Channel is usually stronger than tube in the vertical direction (as shown in the beam profile chart picture above).